Easter 2003 Road Safety Tips

To keep safe during Easter 2003 keep these tips in mind:

  1. When you leave work, relax before you take to the road, Spend some time at home taking a bath or a shower, having a snack or a non alcoholic drink, so that you are relaxed when you get into your car especially if you’re going to drive for a long distance.
  1. Drive under the speed limit, especially if you are tired, if there’s mist or rain or have a family in the car that is distracting you.
  1. Plan your trip in advance to take a break every 2 hours or 200 kilometres. Stop, have a walk around, let the children out of the car to release some energy and have something to eat or drink. Exchange drivers if it is at all possible.
  1. Don’t get into overcrowded taxis or buses. Before you get into a taxi look at the condition of the vehicle, especially at the tyres. Encourage the drivers to drive sensibly under the new speed limit and don’t allow him to overload.
  1. Don’t drink and drive over the Easter weekend. If you are going to drink arrange another driver.
  1. Leave your holiday destination in good time so that you don’t have to rush home. Make the trip home part of your holiday, take it easy, stay cool and talk about your time away rather than get tense about work that is starting soon.

Have a great Easter break and keep your family alive.

